• Vertical mold scraps extractor
  • Vertical Mould scrap extractor

Vertical mold scrap extractor

Vertical mold scrap extractor

Vertical mold scrap extractor

A Vertical Mold Scrap Extractor, also known as Aluminum Ejector and Die Dismantling Machine, is a crucial piece of equipment in the aluminum extrusion process.

 It tackles the challenge of efficiently removing scrap metal that accumulates within the extrusion die after each cycle.

The vertical mold scrap extractor is an auxiliary equipment for aluminum extrusion and its main function is extracting aluminum materials that was hold-up in the Die.  

It is a hydraulic machine that takes the place of manual labor, which can process 20 to 120 sets of moulds per hour for aluminum materials hold–up in the molds.

This improves overall efficiency, safety, and profitability of the operation.


This machine serves two primary functions:

Scrap Extraction: Using a hydraulic press or similar mechanism, the extractor applies force to push the accumulated dross from the die cavity. This dislodges the compacted scrap and facilitates its removal.

Scrap Handling: The extracted dross is then transported further down the system for processing, recycling, or disposal, depending on the specific setup.

Aluminum ejector and die dismantling machine

Key Features:

Heavy-duty hydraulics: The extractor relies on a powerful hydraulic system to generate the necessary force for removing the dross efficiently.

Adjustable pressure and speed: The force and speed of the extraction can be adjusted based on the size and type of die, ensuring optimal performance without damaging the mold.

Safety interlocks: The machine incorporates safety features like automatic shut-off mechanisms to prevent accidents and injury during operation.

Automatic or manual operation: Some models offer automatic extraction cycles triggered by the extrusion press, while others require manual activation.

Integrated cooling system (optional): Advanced models might feature a cooling system to stabilize the die temperature after extraction, extending its lifespan.


Increased productivity: Faster and more efficient dross removal minimizes downtime between extrusion cycles, leading to higher production capacity.

Improved worker safety: Eliminates the need for manual dross removal, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries associated with hot metal and heavy tools.

Enhanced die lifespan: Reduced wear and tear on the die due to gentler extraction compared to manual methods.

Boosted material recovery: Efficient scrap removal allows for easier recycling and reintegration of valuable aluminum into the process.

Reduced waste generation: Minimizes the amount of scrapped metal requiring disposal, contributing to a more sustainable operation.

Overall, Vertical Mold Scrap Extractors offer significant advantages for aluminum extrusion operations.

Their ability to improve efficiency, safety, and resource utilization makes them critical equipment for any facility aiming to optimize its extrusion process and maximize profitability.

Aluminum extrusion mold scrap extractor

Pros of vertical mold scrap extractor

*simple operation

*stable running

*safe and reliable performance

*small investment, big return

It is the best choice for aluminum extrusion equipment and its specifications range from 30T, 40T, 60T, 120T.

Contact us now to obtain a reliable no-obligation quote on your mold scrap extractor.

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